《细胞和分子医学杂志》是一份国际期刊,发表同行评议的文章,致力于细胞和分子医学各个领域的原创研究和概念。目标和范围《细胞和分子医学杂志》发表基础研究,进一步加深我们对疾病的细胞和分子机制的理解,并将这些知识转化为治疗方法的转化研究。请注意:细胞和分子医学杂志是在线的。《细胞与分子医学杂志》将于2013年1月加入威利完全开放获取期刊出版计划。更多信息请访问威利开放获取网站。开放存取及版权从2013年1月起,《细胞与分子医学杂志》上发表的所有文章都将完全开放阅读、下载和分享。自2012年9月12日起提交的所有已被接受的文章均按照知识共享署名许可条款发表,该许可允许在任何媒体上使用、分发和复制,前提是正确引用了原文。细胞与分子医学杂志发表的任何研究论文的版权归作者所有。作者授予威利发布文章的许可,并将自己标识为原始发布者。作者还授予任何第三方自由使用文章的权利,只要保持文章的完整性,并确定其原始作者、引文详细信息和出版商。读者细胞生物学家;细胞的科学家;分子生物学家;生理学家;病理学家;药理学家;卫生科学家;实验医学研究人员;心血管研究人员;心脏病专家;癌症研究人员;组织工程师;神经学家;生化学家;临床研究人员。关键字细胞;细胞;细胞生物学;生理学;分子;医学;个性化医学;癌症;干细胞;基因组学;小分子核糖核酸;蛋白质组学;血管生成;缺氧;细胞凋亡;细胞死亡;信号;神经科学;”“年代老年痴呆症;膜;细胞外基质;组织工程;再生医学;病理学;发病机理;治疗;小凹;卡哈尔细胞;收缩性;表观遗传学;肿瘤微环境;脓毒症。抽象和索引信息生物化学与生物物理学引文索引(Clarivate Analytics)生物文摘(Clarivate Analytics)生物预览(Clarivate Analytics)CSA生物科学数据库(ProQuest)CSA环境科学与污染管理数据库(ProQuest)CSA微生物数据库(ProQuest)期刊引用报告/科学版(Clarivate Analytics)MEDLINE / PubMed (NLM)神经科学抽象(它)ProQuest Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest)ProQuest医学图书馆(ProQuest)PubMed膳食补充剂子集(NLM)科学引文索引扩展(Clarivate Analytics)
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed articles dedicated to original research and concepts in all fields of cellular and molecular medicine.Aims and ScopeBridging physiology and cellular medicine, and molecular biology and molecular therapeutics, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine publishes basic research that furthers our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease and translational studies that convert this knowledge into therapeutic approaches.Please note that:Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine is online-only.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine will be joining the Wiley Open Access publishing program of fully open access journals published by Wiley from January 2013. For further information visit the Wiley Open Access website.Open Access and CopyrightFrom January 2013, all articles published in Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine will be fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. All accepted articles submitted from 12th September 2012 are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Copyright in any research article published by Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine is retained by the author(s). Authors grant Wiley a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.ReadershipCell biologists; cell scientists; molecular biologists; physiologists; pathologists; pharmacologists; health scientists; experimental medicine researchers; cardiovascular researchers; cardiologists; cancer researchers; tissue engineers; neurologists; biochemists; clinical researchers.KeywordsCellular; cells; cell biology; physiology; molecular; medicine; personalised medicine; cancer; stem cells; genomics; microRNAs; proteomics; angiogenesis; hypoxia; apoptosis; cell death; signalling; neuroscience; Alzheimer''''s disease; membrane; extracellular matrix; tissue engineering; regenerative medicine; pathology; pathogenesis; therapeutics; caveolae; cajal cells; contractility; epigenetics; tumour microenvironment; sepsis.Abstracting and Indexing InformationBiochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)Biological Abstracts (Clarivate Analytics)BIOSIS Previews (Clarivate Analytics)CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (ProQuest)CSA Microbiology Databases (ProQuest)Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)Neurosciences Abstracts (ProQuest)ProQuest Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest)ProQuest Medical Library (ProQuest)PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset (NLM)Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
立即咨询按照您提供的稿件内容,指导完成投稿附信(cover letter);
立即咨询大类学科同领域优质期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | 影响因子 | 分区 | ISSN |
AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 10.39 | N/A | 1568-1637 |
Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 0.185 | N/A | 0884-6812 |
CANCER CELL | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 23.916 | N/A | 1535-6108 |
CELL AND TISSUE BANKING | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 1.939 | N/A | 1389-9333 |
Disease Models & Mechanisms | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 4.028 | N/A | 1754-8403 |
EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 3.329 | N/A | 0014-4827 |
GROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 2.167 | N/A | 1096-6374 |
HISTOPATHOLOGY | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 3.294 | 3区 | 0309-0167 |
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 3.947 | N/A | 0818-9641 |
INFLAMMATION | 医学 | 细胞生物学 | 2.939 | 3区 | 0360-3997 |