《英国医学杂志》发表了什么?《英国医学杂志》的使命是领导有关健康的辩论,并以改善患者预后的方式,让医生、研究人员和其他卫生专业人士参与进来,向他们提供信息,并对他们进行激励。我们的目标是帮助医生做出更好的决定。为了实现这些目标,我们出版原创研究文章、评论和教育文章、新闻、信件、调查性新闻以及评论影响健康的临床、科学、社会、政治和经济因素的文章。我们很高兴地考虑发表来自医生和其他方面的文章,以及来自世界各地的文章。在每年收到的7000-8000篇文章中,我们只能发表7%左右,但我们的目标是做出快速、权威的决定。对于所有类型的文章,从提交到第一次决定的平均时间为2至3周,从接受到发表的平均时间为8至10周。这些时间通常较短的原始研究论文。我们拒绝了大约三分之二的投稿,而没有将它们发送给外部同行评审,但许多作者告诉我们,他们很欣赏能够让他们毫不拖延地在其他地方提交作品的快速决定。我们还审计《英国医学杂志》研究文章的表现,使用广泛的指标来评估它们对读者的影响,以及它们在更广泛的世界的传播。开放获取《英国医学杂志》上的所有研究论文都是公开发表的。此外,BMJ立即满足美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的要求,英国医学研究理事会的威康信托基金会和其他融资机构通过公共资金资助的研究的全文免费提供给所有直接在bmj.com上,并将其发送给公共医学中心,国家医学图书馆的全文存档。《英国医学杂志》对公开发表研究的默认许可是知识共享署名非商业许可(CC by nc 4.0)。但如果资助者需要,作者可以在提交过程中选择知识共享署名(CC BY 4.0)许可(授权CC BY包括Wellcome Trust、RCUK和MRC的资助者)。为了支持开放获取出版,我们要求所有研究论文的作者在接受论文时支付3000英镑的开放获取费(不含增值税)。我们为未资助研究的作者提供折扣和豁免。对研究论文的考虑与支付费用的能力无关,我们要求作者在同行评审过程的任何阶段都不要与编辑讨论任何与支付有关的问题。任何与费用相关的沟通都由不参与稿件决策的行政人员处理。《英国医学杂志》偶尔会发表其他类型的(非研究)文章,这些文章都是由授权开放获取出版的出资人资助的,上述政策也适用于这些文章。对于非公开发表的文章,《英国医学杂志》的出版许可证允许每个作者在自己或雇主的网站上发布文章的URL(上面提供的),从而使用户可以免费访问《英国医学杂志》网站上的文章全文。作者将需要使用免费链接,以确保访问者可以免费访问文章。或者,作者可以在他们自己的网站或雇主的网站上发布已发表文章的全文。
What does The BMJ publish?The BMJ's mission is to lead the debate on health, and to engage, inform, and stimulate doctors, researchers and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients. We aim to help doctors to make better decisions.To achieve these aims we publish original research articles, review and educational articles, news, letters, investigative journalism, and articles commenting on the clinical, scientific, social, political, and economic factors affecting health. We are delighted to consider articles for publication from doctors and others, and from anywhere in the world.We can publish only about 7% of the 7000-8000 articles we receive each year, but we aim to give quick and authoritative decisions. For all types of article the average time from submission to first decision is two to three weeks and from acceptance to publication eight to 10 weeks. These times are usually shorter for original research articles. We reject about two thirds of all submissions without sending them for external peer review, but many authors tell us they appreciate quick decisions that allow them to submit their work elsewhere without delay.We also audit the performance of The BMJ's research articles, using a wide range of indicators to assess their impact on readers and their dissemination to the wider world.Open accessAll research papers in The BMJ are published with open access. Moreover, The BMJ immediately fulfils the requirements of the US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and other funding bodies by making the full text of publicly funded research freely available to all on bmj.com and sending it directly to PubMed Central, the National Library of Medicine's full text archive.The BMJ's default licence for open access publication of research is the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial licence (CC BY-NC 4.0). But where the funder requires it the author can select the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence during the submission process (funders who mandate CC BY include the Wellcome Trust, RCUK, and MRC).To support open access publishing we ask authors of all research papers to pay an open access fee of ?3000 (excluding VAT) on acceptance of their paper. We offer discounts and waivers for authors of unfunded research. Consideration of research articles is not related to ability to pay the fee, and we ask authors not to discuss with editors any issues concerning payment at any stage of the peer review process. Any communications related to fees are handled by administrative staff not involved in decisions about manuscripts.The BMJ occasionally publishes other types of (non-research) article arising from work funded by a funder who mandates open access publication, and the above policy applies to these too.For articles not published with open access, The BMJ's publication licence allows each author to post their article's URL (provided above) on either their own or their employer's website, thereby giving users free access to the full text of the article on bmj.com. Authors will need to use the toll free link to ensure visitors have free access to the article.Alternatively, authors can post the full text of their published article on their own website or their employer's website.
大类学科 | 分区 | 小类学科 | 分区 | Top期刊 | 综述期刊 |
医学 | 1区 | MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 医学:内科 | 1区 | 是 | 否 |
JCR分区等级 | JCR所属学科 | 分区 | 影响因子 |
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | 学科类别 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
10.20 | 2.291 | 6.159 | 大类:Medicine 小类:General Medicine | Q1 | 37 / 826 |
95% |
影响因子 | h-index | Gold OA文章占比 | 研究类文章占比 | OA开放访问 | 平均审稿速度 |
93.333 | -- | 81.91% | 74.32% | 未开放 | 较快,2-4周 |
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立即咨询大类学科同领域优质期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | 影响因子 | 分区 | ISSN |
Acta Clinica Croatica | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 0.403 | N/A | 0353-9466 |
Acta Medica Mediterranea | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 0.835 | N/A | 0393-6384 |
Acta Medica Portuguesa | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 0.581 | N/A | 1646-0758 |
African Health Sciences | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 0.784 | N/A | 1680-6905 |
AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 2.58 | N/A | 0002-838X |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 4.76 | N/A | 0002-9343 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 4.435 | N/A | 0749-3797 |
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 1.962 | N/A | 0002-9629 |
ANNALS ACADEMY OF MEDICINE SINGAPORE | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 1.127 | N/A | 0304-4602 |
ANNALS OF FAMILY MEDICINE | 医学 | 医学:内科 | 4.185 | N/A | 1544-1709 |