Frontiers in Neural Circuits is devoted to understanding the emergent properties of neural circuits - the elementary modules of the brain. A flagship member of the Frontiers first-tier electronic journal family, it received an initial impact factor of 5.098 (2011) and remains a "central watering hole" for research in neural circuits, serving the community worldwide to share data, ideas and inspiration. Articles revealing the anatomy, physiology, development or function of any neural circuitry in any species (from sponges to humans) are welcome. Our common thread seeks the computational strategies used by different circuits to link their structure with function (perceptual, motor, or internal), the general rules by which they operate, and how their particular designs lead to the emergence of complex properties and behaviors. Submissions focused on synaptic, cellular and connectivity principles in neural microcircuits using multidisciplinary approaches, especially newer molecular, developmental and genetic tools, are encouraged. Studies with an evolutionary perspective to better understand how circuit design and capabilities evolved to produce progressively more complex properties and behaviors are especially welcome. The journal is further interested in research revealing how plasticity shapes the structural and functional architecture of neural circuits.TIER 1 ARTICLE TYPESOriginal ResearchOriginal Research articles describe the aims, study, and methods of original research. The results of the research are reported, interpreted, and a discussion of the possible implications may be included. Original Research articles may also encompass disconfirming results which allow hypothesis elimination, reformulation and/or report on the non-reproducibility of previously published results. Original Research Articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish an Original Research Article. MethodsMethods articles present a new method or emerging technique and/or software that opens new avenues for the investigation of important issues in a field. Method manuscripts should include the objectives and validation of the method with a detailed protocol and example(s) of its application, as well as the limitations of current methods. In addition, there should be some data to demonstrate the power of the technique or effectiveness of the method. Methods Articles may also include personal insight of the significance of the technology for the field. Methods Articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish a Methods Article.ProtocolsProtocol articles document all the steps necessary for conducting experiments to achieve a specific set of results that are not sufficiently detailed in a Methods or Original Research article, and will usually focus on established, rather than emerging, experimental methods. As such, they will include a description of the range of possible applications of the protocol and sections on the materials and equipment used; step-by-step procedures, including timing and pause points; and expected results at key stages. Potential artifacts or pitfalls should also be discussed, as well as any troubleshooting measures to counteract them, and any analytical methods applied to the data generated by the protocol must be referenced or described. Results must be replicable. Protocol articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12’000, and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish a Protocol article.Technology ReportTechnology Reports present a cutting-edge technology and/or software or a new application of a known technology or software. Technology Reports introduce the basic technical background of the new technology and evaluate the advantages and the limitations of the approach, as well as its applications. Technology Reports are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Any registered Frontiers user, including companies, may submit a Technology Report. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish a Technology Report. ReviewReview articles cover topics that have seen significant development or progress in recent years with comprehensive depth, balanced perspective, intellectual insight, and broad general interest. Reviews do not merely summarize the literature, but should critique fundamental concepts, issues, and problems that define the field. Review articles CANNOT include unpublished material (unpublished/original data, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications) and may be rejected in review or reclassified, at a significant delay, if found to include such content. Any inclusion of verbatim text must be contained in quotation marks and clearly reference the original source. Review Articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish a Review Article.Mini ReviewMini Review articles focus on current areas of investigation and recent developments in the field. They offer a succinct and clear summary of the topic, allowing readers to get up-to-date on new developments and/or emerging concepts. Mini Reviews must not include unpublished material (unpublished/original data, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications) and may be rejected or reclassified, at a significant delay, if found to include such content. Any inclusion of verbatim text must be contained in quotation marks and clearly reference the original source. Mini Reviews are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000 and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (B-type article) to publish a Mini Review. Please note that should a Mini Review exceed 3,000 words, it will be changed to a Review Article and charged accordingly.Hypothesis & TheoryHypothesis and Theory articles present a novel argument, interpretation or model intended to introduce a new testable hypothesis or theory or support already existing theories. They should provide new insights into a significant question or issue and the argumentation must be closely tied to empirical data, where appropriate, leading to testable predictions. Hypothesis and Theory Articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and may include up to 15 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (A-type article) to publish an Hypothesis and Theory Article. PerspectivePerspective articles present a viewpoint on an important area of investigation. They focus on a specific field or discipline, and discuss current advances or future directions, and may include original data as well as personal insights and opinions. Perspectives are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000 and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (B-type article) to publish a Perspective Article.Data ReportData Reports present a description of research data sets. The data sets must be deposited in a public repository prior to submission of the Data Report and be made publicly available upon publication of the report. Data Reports should include a reference to or description of the methods used to collect the data and information on how readers may interpret the data set. Data reports may include some analysis of the data, in order to better explain its relevance and to suggest future avenues of research, but should not report the results of any single study or group of studies. Thus Data Reports may not include Results or Discussion sections. Detailed analyses which use the data to answer specific research questions, or which explore new hypotheses suggested by the data, should instead be submitted in independent research articles, which can be linked online to the Data Report. Additional information on the preparation of your Data Report manuscript can be found in our author guidelines. Data Reports are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000 and may include 2 Figures/Tables. Authors are required to pay a fee (C-type article) to publish a Data Report.General CommentaryCommentaries call attention to a scholarly paper of particular note or provide critical comments on a previous publication - either published in Frontiers or in another journal. They have a maximum word count of 1,000, may include no more than 1 Figure/Table and the title has to be as follows: “Commentary: Title of the original article”. General Commentaries are peer-reviewed and should be properly substantiated, with typically at least five references. They should not contain unpublished or original data. Authors are not required to pay a fee to publish a Commentary. OpinionOpinion articles allow researchers to contribute viewpoints on the interpretation of facts, value of methods used, weaknesses and strengths of any scientific theory or on any topic relevant to the field of research. Opinion Articles allow maximum freedom of expression for researchers, encourage constructive discussion and are peer-reviewed. Emotionally-charged argumentation is not appropriate. Opinion Articles should be supported by evidence (whether factual or anecdotal) and promote dialogue; however they should not contain unpublished or original data. Opinion Articles should be properly substantiated, with typically at least five references, have a maximum word count of 2,000 and may contain no more than 1 Figure/Table. Authors are required to pay a fee (C-type article) to publish an Opinion Article.Book ReviewBook Reviews are succinct and balanced one-page literary criticisms analyzing content, style, and merit of a recently published book. A Book Review should summarize but also evaluate and discuss the content of the book in light of the current needs of the community. These articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 1,000 and may include 1 Figure/Table, however they should not contain unpublished or original data. Any registered Frontiers user may submit a Book Review. Submissions have to carry the title Book Review: "Title of book". Authors are not required to pay a fee to publish a Book Review.EditorialEditorials are submitted exclusively by the host editor(s) of a Frontiers Research Topic, to convey to the reader the aims and objectives of the research that pertains to the topic, as well as placing it in a broader context. The Editorial should present the contributing articles of the Research Topic but should not be a mere table of content. As the final contributing article to the Research Topic, Editorials should be submitted once all expected articles have been accepted and published. Editorials have a word count of 1,000 for Topics with 5-10 articles. The word limit can be increased for each additional article in the Topic, up to a maximum of 5,000 words for 50 articles or more. Editorials should not include unpublished or original data, nor figures, and the inclusion of references is strongly encouraged. Submissions have to carry the title Editorial: "Title of Research Topic". Topic editors are not required to pay a fee to publish an Editorial. Specialty Grand ChallengeSpecialty Grand Challenges are written by Specialty Chief Editors about their vision of the current challenges in their field of research. Specialty Grand Challenges expose the major issues and expected developments in the field for the 21st century and help the readers to understand the scope of their specialty. Specialty Chief Editors are not required to pay a fee to publish a Specialty Grand Challenge Article.CorrectionCorrigendum/Addendum: should authors notice errors that affect the scholarly record or the integrity of the paper, authors are encouraged to submit a correction online. The cover letter must detail the reason(s) for and location(s) of the error(s) within the manuscript and the correct information. All authors of the original paper need to agree to the request for changes. Depending on the extent of the correction required, corrections may require peer review. Authors are informed that requests for changes beyond that described here may not be accepted for publication.Erratum: should authors notice differences between their approved galley proofs and the final published article, thus leading to errors that affect the scholarly record or the integrity of the paper, authors are encouraged to submit a request for erratum to the Frontiers Production Office (production.office@frontiersin.org), clearly specifying the error and the correct information in the cover letter.Authors are not required to pay a fee to publish corrections.
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立即咨询大类学科同领域优质期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | 影响因子 | 分区 | ISSN |
ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS | 医学 | 神经科学 | 1.529 | N/A | 0065-1400 |
ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA | 医学 | 神经科学 | 1.479 | N/A | 1139-9287 |
Annual Review of Neuroscience | 医学 | 神经科学 | 12.043 | N/A | 0147-006X |
ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE | 医学 | 神经科学 | 0.974 | N/A | 0003-9829 |
ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA | 医学 | 神经科学 | 1.048 | N/A | 0004-282X |
ASN Neuro | 医学 | 神经科学 | 2.707 | 3区 | 1759-0914 |
AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL | 医学 | 神经科学 | 2.247 | N/A | 1566-0702 |
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY | 医学 | 神经科学 | 11.501 | N/A | 0006-3223 |
BMC NEUROSCIENCE | 医学 | 神经科学 | 2.62 | N/A | 1471-2202 |
BRAIN AND COGNITION | 医学 | 神经科学 | 2.619 | N/A | 0278-2626 |