Human Service Organizations is a leading, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to current research and practice in nonprofit and public sector human service organizations. Since 1977, it has provided timely and relevant research for human service managers, researchers and educators (originally established as Administration in Social Work). Building on a history of social service management, social policy implementation, and organizational research, the Editorial Advisory Board seeks manuscripts related to contemporary management, leadership, and governance issues facing human service organizations.Reflecting its status as the only journal dedicated specifically to the field of human service organizations, authors have contributed to an expanding knowledge base related to organizational adaptation to policies and fiscal demands, interorganizational dynamics, program development and implementation, managing human resources, diversity in organizational staff and service users, promoting and monitoring service quality and outcome measurement, and sharing new knowledge related to promising evidence-informed practices. The Editorial Advisory Board encourages authors to address emerging topics related to: managing and leading organizational innovations, the role of leaders in organizational change processes, collaboration and competition across public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors, strengthening organizational-environment relations that promote community involvement in human service organizations, and methods for promoting the involvement of service users and other critical stakeholders in management and governance. The journal also seeks proposals for Special Issues that feature emerging issues related to redesigned workplaces, cloud-based information systems, financing human service organizations, leadership diversity, role of social media, and international contributions
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