1:CHEMICAL GEOLOGY创刊于1966年,出版周期是Semimonthly,目前的影响因子是3.618,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.0个月录用比例是较难。
英文简介:Chemical Geology is devoted to providing rapid publication of original articles in the ever widening field of organic and inorganic geochemistry. Both long and short articles dealing with data from the Earth and other planets are accepted. The journal' s aim IS TO cover the field of chemical geology IN the broadest possible sense, including : low temperature geochemistry, organic / petroleum geochemistry, inorganic geochemistry, analytical techniques, isotope studies, environmental geochemistry, AND experimental petrology AND geochemistry.Chemical Geology has been chosen BY the European Association FOR Geochemistry AS its official publication.However, the journal itself continues TO be fully international IN its outlook - a policy reflected BY a team of Editors, whose high scientific standing AND internationality ensures that Chemical Geology attracts contributions FROM the scientific community worldwide.
中文简介: 《化学地质学》致力于在日益扩大的有机地球化学和无机地球化学领域提供快速发表原创文章的服务。处理来自地球和其他行星的数据的长文章和短文章都可以接受。该杂志的目标是涵盖最广泛的化学地质学领域,包括 : 低温地球化学、有机 / 石油地球化学、无机地球化学、分析技术、同位素研究、环境地球化学、实验岩石学和地球化学。《化学地质学》已被欧洲地球化学协会选为其官方出版物。然而,《化学地质学》杂志本身的观点仍然是完全国际化的——一组编辑反映了这一政策,他们的高科学地位和国际性确保了《化学地质学》吸引了全世界科学界的贡献。
2:Exploration Geophysics 出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是1.116,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是 & gt; 12周,或约稿录用比例是容易。
英文简介: Published BY Commonwealth Scientific AND Industrial Research Organisation Publishing.ISSN (printed) : 0812 - 3985. ISSN (electronic) : 1834 - 7533.
中文简介: 由联邦科学与工业研究组织出版。ISSN (印刷) : 0812 - 3985。ISSN (电子) : 1834 - 7533。
3:Journal of Geosciences 目前的影响因子是1.275,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是 & gt; 12周,或约稿录用比例是容易。
英文简介: Journal of Geosciences
中文简介: 地球科学期刊
4:GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 创刊于1989年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是2.777,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.0个月录用比例是容易。
英文简介: Published FOR The Royal Astronomical Society, The Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft AND The European Geophysical Society.The Journal aims TO promote the understanding of the earth 's internal structure, physical properties, evolution and processes; it publishes top quality research papers, fast-track papers, research notes, letters and book reviews on all aspects of theoretical, computational and observational geophysics. Subjects covered include:.
英文简介:Material published in Geophysics should show relevance to petroleum, mining, geothermal, groundwater, environmental, or engineering GEOPHYSICS. A more mathematical paper should have an illustration or example of its application. Case histories, tutorials, and interpretation papers are of special interest. Manuscripts on fundamental geophysical principles are also welcome, including papers on exploration of the deep crust and upper mantle. GEOPHYSICS should have broad appeal, ranging from practical field studies to the more theoretical treatments.
英文简介:Geofluids provides an international forum for original research into the role of fluids in mineralogical chemical and structural evolution of the Earth' s crust.Its explicit aim IS TO disseminate ideas across the RANGE of sub - disciplines IN which Geofluids research IS carried OUT . TO this END AUTHORS will be encouraged TO stress the transdisciplinary relevance of their research AND TO make their WORK AS ACCESSIBLE AS possible TO readers FROM other sub - disciplines.Geofluids emphasizes BOTH chemical AND physical aspects of subsurface fluids throughout the Earth 's crust (although excluding silicate melts). Geofluids spans studies of groundwater terrestrial or submarine geothermal fluids basinal brines petroleum metamorphic waters or magmatic fluids but requires relevance to processes that are significant on a geological time scale. Authors are encouraged to submit articles that describe theoretical or observational studies explore the geologic geochemical or geophysical attributes of subsurface fluids quantify the geologic controls on permeability geochemical transport and heat transport or document applied aspects of crustal fluid behaviour.
7:Annual Review of Marine Science创刊于2009年,出版周期是Annual,目前的影响因子是15.225,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约稿?周期不定录用比例是很难。
英文简介:The Annual Review of Marine Science, in publication since 2009, provides a perspective on the field of marine science. The journal draws from diverse topics within the major disciplines of coastal and blue water oceanography (biological, chemical, geological and physical) as well as subjects in ecology, conservation and technological developments with the marine environment as the unifying theme.
8:APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY创刊于1986年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是2.894,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约6.0个月录用比例是容易。
英文简介:Applied Geochemistry is an international journal devoted to publication of original research papers, rapid research communications and selected review papers in geochemistry and cosmochemistry which have some practical application to an aspect of human endeavour, such as the preservation of the environment, environmental monitoring, agriculture, health, waste disposal and the search for resources. Papers on applications of inorganic, organic and isotope geochemistry are therefore welcome provided they meet the main criterion. Topics covered include: (1) environmental geochemistry (including natural and anthropogenic aspects, and protection and remediation strategies); (2) hydrogeochemistry, surface and groundwater; (3) medical geochemistry; (4) agricultural geochemistry; (5) the search for energy resources (oil, gas, coal, uranium and geothermal energy); (6) the search for mineral deposits (metalliferous and non metalliferous); (7) upgrading of energy and mineral resources where there is a direct geochemical application; (8) waste disposal including the specific topic of nuclear waste disposal.
9:EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS创刊于1966年,出版周期是Semimonthly,目前的影响因子是4.637,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.5个月录用比例是约95%。
英文简介:Since its first appearance in 1966, Earth and Planetary Science Letters has built up an enviable reputation. Its successful formula of presenting high-quality research articles with minimal delay has made it one of the most important sources of information in its field. The articles published reflect the great impact made on research in the geosciences by the use of successful research methods from other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It also covers research into all aspects of lunar studies, plate tectonics, ocean floor spreading, and continental drift, as well as basic studies of the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the Earth' s crust AND mantle, the atmosphere AND the hydrosphere.
中文简介: 自1966年《地球与行星科学快报》首次出版以来,它已经建立了令人羡慕的声誉。它成功地以最小的延迟呈现高质量的研究论文,使其成为该领域最重要的信息来源之一。发表的文章反映了利用化学、物理和数学等其他学科的成功研究方法对地球科学研究产生的巨大影响。它还包括对月球研究、板块构造、海底扩张和大陆漂移的所有方面的研究,以及对地壳和地幔、大气和水圈的物理、化学和机械特性的基本研究。
10:GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 创刊于1950年,出版周期是Semimonthly,目前的影响因子是4.258,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约4.2个月录用比例是很难。
英文简介: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta publishes research papers IN a wide RANGE of subjects IN terrestrial geochemistry, meteoritics, AND planetary geochemistry.The scope of the journal includes : 1 ).Physical chemistry of gases, aqueous solutions, glasses, AND crystalline solids 2 ).Igneous AND metamorphic petrology 3 ).Chemical processes IN the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, AND lithosphere of the Earth 4 ).Organic geochemistry 5 ).Isotope geochemistry 6 ).Meteoritics AND meteorite impacts 7 ).Lunar science; AND 8 ).Planetary geochemistry.
中文简介: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta发表的研究论文涉及地球地球化学、流星学和行星地球化学等广泛领域。期刊的范围包括 : 1)气体、水溶液、玻璃和晶体固体的物理化学2)火成岩和变质岩学3)地球大气、水圈、生物圈和岩石圈中的化学过程4)有机地球化学5)同位素地球化学6)陨石和陨石撞击7 ) 。月球科学; 和8 ) 。行星地球化学。