1. 开头先提某研究方向很“重要”,“重要”的表示方法:
essential, profound impact, fundamental, major, have been intensively studied, have crucial (important) roles, powerful effects, has been a milestone, act as a primary XX, has attracted enormous interest in XX.
2. 某事很“严重”,所以要研究,“严重”的表示方法:
devastating, prevalent, severely affects, aberrant, abnormal, fatal, variable and unpredictable, rare and frequently aggressive.
3. 疾病的N种表示方法:
disease, disorder, dysfunction, aberrant.
4. 用数字说话,比例的修饰词汇总:
approximately (around) 5%, afflict up to 5% of the world's population, a total of.
5. “未知”的各种表示方法:
(virtually) unknown, less is known, remains (largely) unknown, elusive, we know little about, unclear, still not well understood, poorly understood, there are few reports on.
6. 转折之后,观点所在,“转折”的表示方法:
but, however, nevertheless, yet, unlike conventional XX, while the results were conflicting and heterogeneous.
7. 如何“聚焦”到本篇文章,“聚焦”的表示方法:
Here, in this/current/the present study, toward this aim, in this work, our/the findings, our aim was to identify XX.
8. 研究的事物与其他事物比较/包含:
as compared with/to, consisting of.
9. 研究的主变量与某物相关:
involvement, be involved in; (highly) correlates/be related to, largely uncharacterized, be (closely/strongly/tightly) associated with, linked to, determine the relationship between A and B.
10. 研究包括什么材料,应用了什么方法/处理/条件:
XX was used in/involved in XX; include; XX was treated with/genotyped by XX; Three treatments were applied, conducted, employed, performed, investigated, carried out.
11. 结果“展示”,“表明”, "证实"的表示方法:
postulate, found, show, demonstrate, indicate, suggest, provide direct (indirect)evidence, implicated, reveal, identify, validate, argue, investigate, explore, examined, report, discover, investigate, screen, uncover, detect, test.
12. 论述结果的执行动词:
measure, evaluate, provide an experimental strategy, map, review, observe, visualize, characterize, perform XX analysis, assess, retrieve from, download, select, construct, analyze, perform/ be carried out to, synthesized several sets of public data, preliminary clarify, build, obtain, download.
13. “结果”的多种表示方式:
these results, experimental and modeling data, the present study.
14. 论述结果的层级递进:
also, then, in addition (to), additionally, furthermore, moreover, subsequently, following, finally, (first, second, third), besides.
15. 借助于某某工具:
by means of, applied, use, via, in terms of, done, though, adopt quality criteria to classify the studies of XX analysis, based on, be according to.
16. “关键”结论的关键提示:
notably, be sufficient to, with a focus, intriguingly, interestingly, clearly, importantly.
17. 论述结果的其他高频副词:
respectively, precisely, accurately.
18. 两者之间一方对另一方施加影响,主变量“调控”因变量:
(bidirectionally 双向)(positively)(negatively) regulate, modulate, alter, promote, produce, elevate, reduce, activate, trigger, manipulate, enhance.
19. 主变量对因变量的影响:
lead to, cause, drive, be determined by, owing to, triggered by, resulting in.
20. 总结词:
together, in summary, overall, thereby, therefore, collectively, in conclusion, taken together, in total.
21. 结论评价词:
simple, reliable, robust, largely consistent with, effective.
22. 科研要严谨,总结要慎重,下结论一般是各种“可能”:
might, may, possibly, it could be, would, can (“可能性”从左到右依次加强).