Dear Dr. or Prof. XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decision letter),
Thank you for your efficient work in processing our manuscript entitled “XXXX (title of the article)” (Manuscript No: XXXX).
After we have carefully read the comments from the reviewers, we realize that the major merits of our work were not fully identified or recognized by the reviewers. (If one or more reviewers pointed out the merits of the study, but criticized the language and presentation of the manuscript, then you should state that: After we have carefully read the comments from the reviewers, we realize that the major merits of our work have been identified or recognized by the reviewers. We believe that the major critical issue for our manuscript is the poor preparation of the manuscript, which can be improved by a native speaker or a professional editing company.)
Here we would emphasize that the most notable merits of our manuscript include:
I had opportunities to talk to Dr. XXX (of XXX University), and Dr. XXX (XXX University), andboth of them read the manuscript and encourage me to write to you to ask if you could consider a revised version of the manuscript. (this should be included in the letter only if you have done so.Otherwise, this paragraph is not required.).
Point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments are enclosed after the letter for yourconsideration.
In addition, this manuscript has been edited and proofread by Medjaden Bioscience Limited.
I will be most grateful if you could offer us a second opportunity (or an additional opportunity if the rejected manuscript is already a revised one).
Look forward to hearing from you soon,
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
XXXX (name of the corresponding author)
XXX (title of the corresponding author)
Corresponding author
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the reviewers for the constructive and positive comments.
Replies to Reviewer 1
XXXX (Point by point responses to the comments of reviewer 1).
Replies to Reviewer 2
XXXX (Point by point responses to the comments of reviewer 2).
sci论文被拒稿的情况也是较为常见的,但对于拒稿原因如若作者不认同的话,那么就可以通过sci期刊公开的关于拒稿申诉的渠道进行申诉。这时就需要通过写申诉信来进行申诉了,那么 sci申诉信怎么写 呢?下面就为大家介绍一下并分享两个申诉信写作模板。 关于申诉信的写作,
发布时间:2023-03-11我们都知道sci论文并不是那么容易发表的,投稿后被拒的情况也时有发生,但有的作者对期刊编辑给出的拒稿意见不能接受的,就会提出进行申诉。那么就有人问了, sci论文申诉成功需要多久 呢?这个时间是不确定的,而且也没有一个统一的标准,具体要根据作者自身申诉的实际
发布时间:2022-12-02论文投稿sci期刊被拒绝,心情较为郁闷的你,不要着急,可以进行申诉。可是,一些作者质疑, sci被拒后申诉到底有用吗 ? 这里无法给出你确切的答案,根据sci论文被拒绝的原因,理由充分合理,对sci论文申诉可能会获得重审的机会, 具体详情如下。 一旦sci论文被拒稿,
发布时间:2024-03-19对于SCI论文的发表出现大修的情况也是尤为多见的,而大修一般所需修改的内容是较大且多的,因此被拒的可能性也非常高。对此就有作者问了,那么 SCI论文大修被拒是申诉还是转投呢? 其实面对这两种情况,具体如何选择还是需要根据自身实际来看的,下面带大家了解一下。
发布时间:2024-01-20sci论文投稿后被拒的情况时有发生,但有的被拒原因作者不能够接受,那么这时就可以进行申诉。而对于申诉信的写作则就尤为重要了,很多作者可能不是很了解,所以这里就给大家整理了一下sci申诉信如何写(附参考案例),以供参考。 关于sci申诉信的写作并没有一个统一的模