摘 要:文章从对上海制造业与物流业投入产出效果评价入手。在目前多种效果评价方法的基础上,提出了一种DEA模型评价方法。即通过DEA模型得到制造业与物流业的内部综合效率。运用该模型,对上海市制造业与物流业的联动状况进行了实证研究。实证结果表明,上海市的物流业内部综合效率较好,而上海的制造业内部效果明显低于物流业内部效果,这一现状需要引起相关部门的足够重视。对与效果较好的物流业,加大相关的投入,使其较快的发展。对效率不高的制造业,相关的投入进行调整,使制造业内部效率进一步的提高。
Abstract: This paper manufacturing and logistics industry in Shanghai input-output evaluation start. On the basis of the current evaluation methods on a variety of effects, presents a DEA model evaluation. That is to get inside the overall efficiency of manufacturing and logistics industry by DEA model. Using this model, the linkage status of manufacturing and logistics industry in Shanghai conducted empirical research. The empirical results show that the internal logistics industry in Shanghai is better overall efficiency, while manufacturing internal effects Shanghai is significantly lower than the internal effects of the logistics, this situation needs to pay sufficient attention to the relevant departments. Better for the logistics industry, increase investment related to rapid development. If manufacturing efficiency is not high, the associated input is adjusted so that the manufacturing efficiency is further improved interior.
Key words: manufacturing; logistics; internal efficiency evaluation; data envelopment model
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